Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Taking Donations

I dont like taking calls where the person on the other line starts off with "want the good news or the bad news?" and to be honest since Sunday evening I haven't received one that didnt start off that way. Lets just say its getting expensive and if my husband and I werent somewhat budget concious I would be even more worried. On the other hand I count my blessings bc someone else out there in this big ole world has way worse troubles than I. However, we are still taking donations for any generous souls out there :) I told a friend of mine today, one day we will be paying it all forward to our own kids bc life just happens that way. And I'm reminded of this, worrying doesnt take away tomorrows troubles, it takes aways todays happiness. So I'm moving on.

We spent the day with some friends that its general knowledge when we are all together someone is bound to get hurt or end up bloody. We began our adventure with a toast to none of those occuring today just to hedge our bets and it seems luck would be on our side. So as we were all reflecting before delivering our guests home, I announce "and no one got hurt or bled today, knock on wood!" The kids started sharing stories of our past encounters and halfway into the conversation Big C pipes in and says "you guys are gonna jinx us, walk on wood!"

I take the highs where I can get em.

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