Monday, August 1, 2011

Crunchy, not exactly smooth.

I discovered today that the two year old knows how to put pennies in a slot like for a gumball machine, except her gumball machine happened to be the temperature control slot for the suburbans a/c and the pennies were actually pennies, nickels and dimes. --small stuff right. It's better than discovering she knows how to insert the key into the ignition and put it in drive.

K on the other hand hit a small bump today, he was very obstinate this morning so i decided we should have a talk and give him the benefit of the doubt being the middle child and all and as aforementioned the only constant is change around here. So we had a nice visit, called Daddy, and of course kids are resilient (thank goodness for the small stuff) as soon as he heard he could go swim after lunch he was in 3rd gear, tears wiped away, good behavior and manners back in tow. But before he goes he says " Mom, when is your bday?" I tell him and asked if he was going to get me something special and he says " yeah, Im' gonna get you some makeup that doesn't run when you cry." I'm so glad someone is looking out for me.

Now on to the crunchy part, some nights it feels like i make dinner for eight, not everyone likes the same things or can eat the same things and sometimes i take chances with the menu trying to meet all the dietary requirements, but there is always pb and bananas on toast, which is exactly what you get if you don't appreciate the menu. So dinner for eight it was tonight. At least they were all eating and no one got left at the table alone (that may be a first-see K for details, he can tell you all about that scenario).

Still a crunchy part, WE and I mean the three little ones still struggle with putting their toys away properly even with direction on "if you find a sock in your pile of toys put it in the dirty clothes, shoes go in the closet and bandaids and kleenex in the trash. Books go on the book shelf not in the toy boxes and movies go , well they know where they go, they know where all of this stuff goes........CHOICES. So tonight we are playing school, did this with my fourth graders this past year when they couldnt keep the bookcase organized. I told them I was dumping the toys in the middle of the floor and making a huge mess and they were going to get to clean it all up the right way so they would know next time exactly what that is supposed to look like. Well it was all the rave over dinner, speculating how colossal this mess was going to be, total excitement really, unexpected. Well they are cleaning and I'm starting to hear grumbling and shredding of paper, but I am delighted to hear the conversations taking place, "the balls go over there, the cars go over there..." and my favorite, " Mom , we found the white gameboy, YES!" Big round of high fives for that one, K was starting to try to convince me maybe there really are aliens. Hey I think I here the sound of cooperation, singing, even, laughter. Tomorrows horizons have just expanded............... into cleaning the tool table in the garage. Thank you kinder teachers for sorting and singing lessons, and thank you fourth graders for packing my tool belt. ;)

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