Monday, August 22, 2011

First Day of School!

After getting up early and eating smoothies for breakfast Big C began her first day of 3rd grade. She got the teacher she was hoping for, Mrs. Love and she knew several of the kids in her class so she said her day was "awesome" today.

As the two oldest rode their bikes to school and I toted the wagon full of little C and school supplies that didnt fit the backpack, K saw tons of friends making their way to their first day of Kinder today. After some diliberation, Daddy and I decided we shouldn't stifle his excitement while it exists so I made a mad dash to get registration papers in order so he could start school tomorrow. Talk about excitement! He is still bounding off the walls and seriously cannot contain himself. He stuffed his backpack full of supplies, tried it on at LEAST 10 times to see how heavy it was, double checked his store of supplies, got his bike ready for the ride in the morning and packed his lunch. He definately has no worries, except for telling me how much he is going to miss me for having to be gone for 6 hours tomorrow. His teacher is Mrs. Cross, we tried for Big C's kinder teacher but she had the highest class number so it wasn't happening. It doesn't really matter who the teacher is though bc I'm sure K will take over by next week and that teacher won't even have to teach her own class somedays if she doesn't really feel like it. Just remember to use your listening ears honey and be a problem solver, and cap the chit chat. I'm praying for that teacher tomorrow if he is still as high as he is today.

So here's to my school aged kiddos, bc we know God answers prayers and that we must listen to hear his voice. May Big C be the Protector and heed her charge, K be the helper to his classmates and teachers and little C the entertainment and comic relief I'm definately going to need as I send them off together tomorrow. The first day of school never gets easier no matter how old or how many kids.

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