Monday, September 19, 2011


It was raining this morning, yes, really, and i had to drive the kids to school so as we were waiting in the car rider line we had a discussion about the word vicious. Here it goes.... Vicious, it means, terrible, mean, super bad. Everybody say vicious, "vicious", try to use it in a sentence today at school. When you see something really hard, say..that math problem was vicious, or that science experiment was vicious. K chimes in, D in my class throws fits all the time is that vicious, yes, so when you see him do that you could tell Ms. C, D is being vicious today. Or you know what you could do, it sounds like D might need a hug instead, so when he is not being vicious today and you notice him being good, could you go tell D he is doing a good job and give him a hug? K's reply........................."What?"
Ok, maybe not a hug, could you pat him on the back and let him know he is doing a good job, or tell Ms. C to look at D bc he is doing a good job today? Big C and I could hardly contain our laughter. What? is exactly right, What? was I thinking, apparently this kid D does this everyday, and Im sure as a result doesnt have many close friends, and I mean the kind that would get within close proximity. I need to follow up and see how the hugging, patting, telling Ms. C. thing went today.

Monday, August 22, 2011

First Day of School!

After getting up early and eating smoothies for breakfast Big C began her first day of 3rd grade. She got the teacher she was hoping for, Mrs. Love and she knew several of the kids in her class so she said her day was "awesome" today.

As the two oldest rode their bikes to school and I toted the wagon full of little C and school supplies that didnt fit the backpack, K saw tons of friends making their way to their first day of Kinder today. After some diliberation, Daddy and I decided we shouldn't stifle his excitement while it exists so I made a mad dash to get registration papers in order so he could start school tomorrow. Talk about excitement! He is still bounding off the walls and seriously cannot contain himself. He stuffed his backpack full of supplies, tried it on at LEAST 10 times to see how heavy it was, double checked his store of supplies, got his bike ready for the ride in the morning and packed his lunch. He definately has no worries, except for telling me how much he is going to miss me for having to be gone for 6 hours tomorrow. His teacher is Mrs. Cross, we tried for Big C's kinder teacher but she had the highest class number so it wasn't happening. It doesn't really matter who the teacher is though bc I'm sure K will take over by next week and that teacher won't even have to teach her own class somedays if she doesn't really feel like it. Just remember to use your listening ears honey and be a problem solver, and cap the chit chat. I'm praying for that teacher tomorrow if he is still as high as he is today.

So here's to my school aged kiddos, bc we know God answers prayers and that we must listen to hear his voice. May Big C be the Protector and heed her charge, K be the helper to his classmates and teachers and little C the entertainment and comic relief I'm definately going to need as I send them off together tomorrow. The first day of school never gets easier no matter how old or how many kids.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Brag Book

Ok, so i have to take a second to brag about my kids. So bare with me, i just cant help but think they are wonderful and its great they get to hear it too.

Little C was oh so impressive this morning with her resourceful problem solving skills. She wanted my camera off the bar which of course she can not reach. So she disappears and then returns moments later with the stool that is kept in my bathroom upstairs which she uses to brush her teeth. Problem Solved, now she can reach EVERYTHING!!!! on the counter and bar not just my camera.

K, always the intellect, used the word detonate correctly this afternoon. To quote, "Mom, does the hot oil detonate the popcorn?" Why, yes, yes it does my abnormally bright, gifted, talented, inquisitive, impressive, above average in oh so many ways, middle child!

Big C proved this weekend that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. She might actually still be hanging on the tree. We had some serious target practice at the deer lease and because of her mastery of the 22, Daddy decides she is ready for the 270. Let's just say there were several impressive kill shots and she couldn't wipe the smile off her face. We almost had to pry the gun from her hand and I can say we were lucky we ran out of ammo otherwise we might still be there. Pa Tom got to hear first hand from the mighty hunter and witnessed the souvenier target, paper plate with black duct tape as the X in the middle. So he couldn't resist providing his granddaughter with professional target practice equipment and enough ammo so she doesn't have to share with Mom and Dad next time. Needless to say she can't wait to get back to the country.

Gotta love it!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Taking Donations

I dont like taking calls where the person on the other line starts off with "want the good news or the bad news?" and to be honest since Sunday evening I haven't received one that didnt start off that way. Lets just say its getting expensive and if my husband and I werent somewhat budget concious I would be even more worried. On the other hand I count my blessings bc someone else out there in this big ole world has way worse troubles than I. However, we are still taking donations for any generous souls out there :) I told a friend of mine today, one day we will be paying it all forward to our own kids bc life just happens that way. And I'm reminded of this, worrying doesnt take away tomorrows troubles, it takes aways todays happiness. So I'm moving on.

We spent the day with some friends that its general knowledge when we are all together someone is bound to get hurt or end up bloody. We began our adventure with a toast to none of those occuring today just to hedge our bets and it seems luck would be on our side. So as we were all reflecting before delivering our guests home, I announce "and no one got hurt or bled today, knock on wood!" The kids started sharing stories of our past encounters and halfway into the conversation Big C pipes in and says "you guys are gonna jinx us, walk on wood!"

I take the highs where I can get em.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Crunchy, not exactly smooth.

I discovered today that the two year old knows how to put pennies in a slot like for a gumball machine, except her gumball machine happened to be the temperature control slot for the suburbans a/c and the pennies were actually pennies, nickels and dimes. --small stuff right. It's better than discovering she knows how to insert the key into the ignition and put it in drive.

K on the other hand hit a small bump today, he was very obstinate this morning so i decided we should have a talk and give him the benefit of the doubt being the middle child and all and as aforementioned the only constant is change around here. So we had a nice visit, called Daddy, and of course kids are resilient (thank goodness for the small stuff) as soon as he heard he could go swim after lunch he was in 3rd gear, tears wiped away, good behavior and manners back in tow. But before he goes he says " Mom, when is your bday?" I tell him and asked if he was going to get me something special and he says " yeah, Im' gonna get you some makeup that doesn't run when you cry." I'm so glad someone is looking out for me.

Now on to the crunchy part, some nights it feels like i make dinner for eight, not everyone likes the same things or can eat the same things and sometimes i take chances with the menu trying to meet all the dietary requirements, but there is always pb and bananas on toast, which is exactly what you get if you don't appreciate the menu. So dinner for eight it was tonight. At least they were all eating and no one got left at the table alone (that may be a first-see K for details, he can tell you all about that scenario).

Still a crunchy part, WE and I mean the three little ones still struggle with putting their toys away properly even with direction on "if you find a sock in your pile of toys put it in the dirty clothes, shoes go in the closet and bandaids and kleenex in the trash. Books go on the book shelf not in the toy boxes and movies go , well they know where they go, they know where all of this stuff goes........CHOICES. So tonight we are playing school, did this with my fourth graders this past year when they couldnt keep the bookcase organized. I told them I was dumping the toys in the middle of the floor and making a huge mess and they were going to get to clean it all up the right way so they would know next time exactly what that is supposed to look like. Well it was all the rave over dinner, speculating how colossal this mess was going to be, total excitement really, unexpected. Well they are cleaning and I'm starting to hear grumbling and shredding of paper, but I am delighted to hear the conversations taking place, "the balls go over there, the cars go over there..." and my favorite, " Mom , we found the white gameboy, YES!" Big round of high fives for that one, K was starting to try to convince me maybe there really are aliens. Hey I think I here the sound of cooperation, singing, even, laughter. Tomorrows horizons have just expanded............... into cleaning the tool table in the garage. Thank you kinder teachers for sorting and singing lessons, and thank you fourth graders for packing my tool belt. ;)

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Little Helpers

I think my new motto will be "dont sweat the small stuff". With the only thing constant being change in the Stewart house, my sanity cant afford it and it acutally sets a better example for my three little ones. Here is what I mean...

K decided to help me decorate the front room by hanging his toy story 3 poster on the wall with a tack. Kuddos bc he did it all by himself. -small stuff
Little C no longer wants to wear shoes when she leaves the house even though she has quite the collection of fabulous flip flops- she always rides in the basket anyway- small stuff
Big C wants to "help" me clean the carpet...only bc she gets to use the squirty, foamy carpet cleaner and of course will use the entire can. Carpet cleaner can be replaced and I actually think she may have gotten one stain out... - small stuff.
Little C can and likes to clean her ears after we swim... and her shirt and her nose and mouth and whatever else the bottle will squirt onto. That's one of those moments when I think awww, the silence must mean everyone is getting along, 3...2.....1.... REALITY, let me go check to make sure there isnt an emergency.... small stuff. ... no harm no foul.

Big Pay off- two biggest helped me take the garbage to the street for trash day tomorrow. SCORE, new chore to be added to the list starting NOW! Thank you trash cans with wheels!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Something to make you smile,

I know I have posted about our vocabulary lessons, but its still my favorite part of having those conversations with my kids. So here is the latest, short and sweet. Kade "astronauts travel in a space crapped" Cameryn "Daddy has a mustache and boys have peach skin above their lips." Have a great day!