Sunday, January 31, 2010

Everything is not the same.

My brother gets a lot of awards from the office and he showed the kids his latest prize the other day. You know how trophies usually have a statue that represents the occassion, baseball/baseball player, soccer/soccer player, etc. Cam says "Uncle Travis, why isn't he in a wheelchair?"

Thursday, January 28, 2010

In other words

Those of you with kids know that everyday is an opportunity for a vocabulary lesson. I'm gonna make this short. Cameryns says
I have "basil" eyes- she means hazel.
Earrings make her ears "rusty"- she means crusty like from a scab.
and now she wants "crunches" for her birthday, you know, the kind you put under your arms and that help you walk. She means crutches.
Is the vocabulary lesson for me or her????

Thursday, January 21, 2010

The human recorder

Kade is somewhat of a human recorder. Anything that happens or is said that you probably dont want him to remember or repeat he pretty much will, at random. Going to dinner tonight Daddy made the comment about something being dumb and Kade chimes in with "like cats are dumb, right Dad? Cats are duuuu-uuumb." This began his comical act until we arrived at the restaurant. In the background of the grown-up conversation all we can here is the chorus "cats are duu-uumb, hehehehe... cats are duu-uumb, hehehehe. He is his own personal entertainment.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Do unto others....

If anyone is going to call me out on anything you can bet it will be my middle child. He is quite gifted at this skill as I have found. I have been trying to teach and discipline through scripture and as the Golden Rules states "Do unto others..." I should well know by now, especially with Kade, otherwise I will hear about it.

I was feeding Channing baby food and Kade comes up to me after his nap and I put the spoon out for him to take a bite, jokingly of course, as some days it seems all I do is feed everyones face constantly around here. He did not look kindly on the gesture and being offended, took off to hide his head in the couch like an ostrich until he could gain composure to respond. And as should be expected by now, when he pulls his head out he enlightens me of course.... "Mommy! Even a child is known by his deeds! That was a bad choice!" Everyone makes mistakes, time for another life lesson. Good one, Mom.

Cameryn, on the other hand has definatley inherited my talent for tuning people out and turning on her selective hearing. I asked her to start her homework but, followed it up with an invite to sit in my lap and let me play with her hair prior to. The latter of which she completely didn't hear b/c of afore mentioned selective hearing. She was begruntled by the homework request so decided to shut me out. I had to snap her out of it to get my allottment of affection from her before the other two woke up from their naps. Mercy! I can't catch a break. Maybe i should take a nap.

Channing-eat, nurse, CAT-nap, (repeat). Need I remind her she isn't a CAT.

Friday, January 8, 2010

You wanna hear a joke?

Since the weather has been nice and cold Kade and I have been enjoying movie day, pajama day and the such. Yesterday he was on the edge, and in one of his bounds from couch to couch he says..."Mommy, wanna hear a joke?" of course I do, especially from him if you know my 4 year old son..."Why do chickens sit on eggs?, because they don't have any chairs." I digress.

Channing continues to enjoy discovering the newest sound and pitch that will eminate from her throat. Be it a squeal, bellow or plain scream, in turn encouraging the antics of the two older ones and as always, the results are rolls of laughter. Ahhh, the sweet sound of family. And let me not forget her ever increasing appetite and menu, today we had parmesean noodles. Yummy!

As for Cam and I , we discovered this morning that we need to add 15 minutes for bundling us all (4 of us) up in multiple layers for the 2.5 minute ride to school this morning. She was totally stressing about being late but luckily we made it with time to spare even though she still professed she was telling Daddy.

Daddy on the other had was home super early today, built a fire for us and was gracious in choking down yet another rendition of ham for dinner. I'm starting to amaze myself at how creative I can be.

New at this...

Let me see, i really enjoy following my friends and their stories so I'm going to try to figure this blog stuff out. Here I go....