Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Kade swept the kitchen floor this morning and actually enjoyed it. I wonder how long I can make that last?

Channing is pulling up on everything to stand. Laundry baskets, window sills, crib, trash cans, bathtubs, you name it. Where did my baby go? And by the way she is a little spoiled rotten!

Cameryn gets to dress up like a 100 year old woman tomorrow for the 100th day of school. She is so fussy over everything being perfect when she gets dressed and fixes her hair that I see the 100 year old woman idea going down the crapper very quickly. We shall see. If we succeed in dressing up Ill be sure to post a pic. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck! I can't believe Channing is pulling up. She is growing entirely too fast.
    Time for another one!
