Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Good Reads

Yes, I actually do find some occasional time to read. Maybe 5 minutes here and there but Im not reading Medical Journals either. So I thought I would share a few of my favorites.

This one, Love and Respect, saved my sanity, ok it saved my marriage and changed my outlook in more ways than one with just the first 2 chapters. The best part is it is Christian based and makes a ton of bible references to back up the teachings in it. It really humbles the soul.

This was a good find too and very entertaining. Scott heard an interview with the author on KSBJ so i picked it up. Very easy read and it covers everything including abusive relationships, dysfunctional families and how your husbands relationship with his mother affects your marriage.

NOTE: Do Not Read this book if you are a feminist and cannot take hearing advice relayed in a very masculine manner. But the guy is very funny.

He has also written Have a new Kid by Friday which i will be reading soon as well.

This is my current read. It seems interesting because it explains how and why we have some of our personality traits and how they are related to whether we are the oldest child or the baby, etc. I picked it up to help me figure out my oldest child and her particular ways. We butt heads in certain areas and I thought this would help explain it and cope. Im becoming a big fan of this Dr. Leman, again it is christian based and he's quite humorous.
So far I have learned that my oldest child is an aggressive, win at all costs, firstborn. DUH!! JUST LIKE HER FATHER! But I can appreciate that, I love those qualities about him and now that they are all balled up in a 7 year old I need to learn how to handle them and encourage those things about her.
Kade has more of the traits of the baby of the family, the comedian, but now that he has been bumped to the middle child, Im curious to see if there will be any changes. And I will end with this brief story as to appreciate the individual personalities of both.
In church sunday I let the kids sit with me instead of attend sunday school. Kade starts asking me when is the wedding going to start, isnt this the place where we have weddings, where is the bride, where is the wedding? You get the picture... So Cam could not be more pleased when i asked her to take him to sunday school since he couldnt put a lid on it. Meanwhile,Cam is gripping her collection money so tight in her little hand she is losing circulation and gets a cramp by the time the collection plate comes around. I'm interested to see what this little package called Channing has in store for me.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Lost and Found

Found in laundry this week, of course after it had been washed.
Pocket knife
chiclets gum pieces
toy ball

Nice to know everything is still normal around here.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Kade swept the kitchen floor this morning and actually enjoyed it. I wonder how long I can make that last?

Channing is pulling up on everything to stand. Laundry baskets, window sills, crib, trash cans, bathtubs, you name it. Where did my baby go? And by the way she is a little spoiled rotten!

Cameryn gets to dress up like a 100 year old woman tomorrow for the 100th day of school. She is so fussy over everything being perfect when she gets dressed and fixes her hair that I see the 100 year old woman idea going down the crapper very quickly. We shall see. If we succeed in dressing up Ill be sure to post a pic. Wish me luck!